Sunday, August 2, 2009

Am i doing well in High School?


In 9th grade i took these classes:

English 9

Algebra B/C


Spanish 1 A/B

(AP) Human Geography

P.E. 9 (Soccer Team)

* i volunteer for the red cross and habitat for humanity. I went with my Dad to Colombia on a trip with the red cross. There i honed my Spanish speaking skills. i am also the editor of my school newspaper, thats about it for Extra-Curricular Activities.

* I had a 4.0 on all my freshman courses.


*In 10th grade i qualified for Algebra 2/Trig. (Honors), Spanish (AP), Chemistry (Honors), English 10 (Honors) as well as World History (AP)

My Question is:

Now that i am taking all Honors and AP classes, do colleges care about my "mediocre" classes during 9th grade? (Even if i did get an A+ on all of them.)


P.S. I'm taking (AP) Psychology during the summer.

Am i doing well in High School?
What is wrong with you? Your freshman year was not cake and as far as all the honors and AP courses go, its all good. Just do well in the classes you take. I only took 1 AP course in high school and honors English, and I still got accepted to the University of Arizona's honors college. To boot, my tests scores were not very good at all, like in the 60% range. Universities are looking for special people that want to make a difference. A's will not change the world, someone who is hands on and active while also working hard in the class room is what they are looking for. I would take a 3.0 student that helps out in the community and plays sports over a 4.0 student that does not stay active. When really curious about how well your doing, ask yourself how active you are. Help out your community, and do it out of care and want, dont just do it to look good. Your extra activities are more important than the courses you take. You are in high school, enjoy it. Cramming yourself with AP courses will only rush you through life. College like high school should be at least 3 to 4 years, if you have so much transfer credit it will be over before you know it. You are young, and obviously smart so just take it easy. Make a difference in those around you.

"Even the greenest leaves will fall and die. Every person, no matter how grand their life will end the same as his brother. Don't live life trying to be the best, but fulfill your life by bringing out the best in those around you. One green leaf on a dead tree will not benefit the earth. Share in your wealth, success, and happiness, and your tree will provide fruit and shade for the world. A good life impacts others and will leave with a crowd, a selfish life will end alone and fall quietly to the ground."-Logan Robinson
Reply:It sounds as if you have absolutely nothing wrong with your transcript. Freshman year is where everyone is required to take certain classes, colleges don't care what you take freshman year, especially if you get straight A's. The fact that you show improvement in your time at high school is even more valuable. Keep up the good work, and don't worry so much. I hope this was a confidence booster. You are certainly doing better in high school than I am.
Reply:Although not extremely, freshmen class grades are important. They are sent to colleges with your transcripts and sometimes having bad grades, even if only in your freshmen year, can be the difference between getting accepted or rejected. You'll be fine though from what I see so far ;) Buena suerte!
Reply:You are doing great, be encouraged. Watch out for over - achievment though. You may start popping all your self esteem on how good your grades are. Good grades are great / don't get me wrong / BUT you still need to love the little you thats inside all these fantastic grades. Okay sweety
Reply:well your doing allot better than me. lol.

anyways im not sure but i dont think colleges look at freshmen year as much as they do 10, 11, and 12th grade.

But its not like you have anything to worry about anyways. Your grades are great!
Reply:Good god, Why are you asking? of course you are doing well. You litle bright spot you.
Reply:most colleges dont look at freshmen grades and what not.

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